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Imagine it’s early morning, you wake bleary-eyed, your mind adrift. You’re not focused on what to wear, but on the big presso you have to nail in two hours. But lurking in a back corner of your mind are all the things you have to do and what to wear comes back into focus.

As you slip into the outfit you pre-planned the previous night, you let yourself smile. Exuding confidence, you know it’s a perfect mix of your style. It shares with the world, exactly what you want it to say about you. You don’t have to pull or tug at your outfit, it happily says everything you need it to. It tells your story, perfectly. You feel confident and look fabulous.

My SOS Style Story is Maximalist Chic with a hint of Head Librarian on Acid. Now, I want you to write yours.  But you won't do it alone, I will guide you throughout the workbook as you work across it.  

That right there is your Style Story.  And you're about to write your own. 

Here’s what you’ll get out of your SOS Style Story 

  • You’ll work with me (in your fabulous workbook) for a week, without leaving your home or spending anything further.
  • Simply by following my prompts in your Style Story workbook, you'll figure out what makes your style hum.
  • Once you’ve completed the SOS STYLE STORY workbook, you'll have written your own SOS STYLE STORY, designed just for you, written with love, joy and creativity - all by you.
  • You can do this at your own pace, there’s no obligation to do it within a week, I get how busy we all are. But it’s worth completing in the timeframe given, so you can reap the rewards and goodness of your SOS STYLE STORY as soon as you can!
  • Along the way, you get to navigate your own Style Story, gain tips and tricks and ask yourself some cool questions – so in future you can nail your style brief every time.
  • In future, you’ll feel more confident, find buying clothes easy as pie and take pleasure in mixing and matching what you have.
Let me help you nail your own style story, so that you can confidently share it with the world.