Got questions? Check out the information below which answers some of my most commonly asked questions or book in for a free consult.
Personal Shopping FAQ
What stores will we go to on the Personal Shopping trips?
Great question. Before we meet to shop, I send you a short questionnaiire to help guide me on where we should concentrate our efforts to shop. I take into account your preferences and your budget and we work out together, which designers and stores are going to be the best fit for you. It is completely individualised for each client. What fun we will have.
Will I get a discount at stores?
Yes! This is one of the exciting oppportunities for you to work with me. I can offer you a stylist discount at Mi Piaci, Overland, Merchant 1948, Max, Decjuba and Gorman.
Can I bring my husband/mum/best friend along to my appointment?
Why not! Yes you are most welcome to bring a friend, but I think you deserve to do this for yourself, by yourself. Because I am a professional and an impartial person to you, it may help to open up be more honest with me, than it can sometimes be with family and friends. Also, because most of my clients pick a two hour session, time can go quite fast and having other people on your shopping trip may slow us down. But let’s chat when you book, so we can make the right decision for you.
Are you going to dress me in leopard print?
Not unless you want me to! You might have noticed that I wear a lot of leopard print and that’s because *I* love it but my styling sessions aren’t about me – they are about you. So while it’s likely I will encourage you to try a silhouette, print or colour that you might not ordinarily reach for, I’m not going to *make* you wear anything you don’t feel amazing in.
Wardrobe Detox FAQ
What will you do though? How does this work?
I’ve loved putting outfits together since I was a little girl. My love of style came from my gorgeous mum and grandmother. Firstly my grandmother. She often wore a kilt with a gorgeous brooch or pin. Her favourite colour was moss green and her jumper or cardigan always matched her skirt or kilt. My mum though, wow, just wow. She’s 70 now and rocks a fabulous personal style – all her own. And that’s what I want to achieve for you. Not being 70, but a confidence within you to style yourself daily. I suggest that you sort out your clothes that you want help with first, the clothes that you love or don’t know how to style. Or maybe the one trick pony that you brought on a whim and don’t know how to style it. Then we’ll work on mixing and matching them with some sex, drugs and rock n roll, or you know, embellishments (like a scarf or necklace or a roll of the sleeve). I’ll take photos of you in the outfits we style, so that you can access the pieces and looks we have created anytime. At first you’re gonna feel awkward. I can see it in my client’s faces, “jesus, what have I done, this woman is in my bedroom, going through my closet”. But quickly, I’ll make you feel safe and secure. There’ll be banter, hard questions and some quick decisions. I will try to shake off some of the style shackles you’ve put yourself in and help you to embrace a whole new wardrobe.
But I don't like what you wear ...
That’s okay, I do. This is about you and what you wear that matters. I love how I look and what I wear and this is why I do this. I want to share that joy with other women and make them feel more confident and crack open their own style game. ‘Cause you got this babe, you just forgot it was there or haven’t unlocked it yet.
Will I have to get my clothes off in front of you?
Babe, only if you feel comfortable. I am no size 8 and know it can be embarrassing getting changed in front of others with your mum undies and bad bra on, or maybe you’ve got your sexy matching knicker set on, to make you feel outstanding. Either way, it’s up to you, but I reckon, you’ll get far more out of our session if you do get changed into the outfits we are styling.
Will you laugh at my clothes?
Honey would you laugh at my clothes? No, there’s no way I’d do that. This experience is special for you and you’re allowing me into your home, your sacred space and I’ll honour that. With your permission I’m helping to find your style in your wardrobe and to get you to look at things anew. I want you to walk confidently into the world, head held high, styled in what you already own. If you see value in that, then you may like to book me to go shopping with you, but baby steps right? Let’s get your wardrobe sorted first.
I have other questions not covered in the FAQ
I would love to answer any and questions you have Get in Touch
Excited? Me too!
Let's go shopping