SOS Wardrobe Edit & Styling

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When clients ask for my help it’s usually because they’ve given up trying to find the gems in their wardrobe.  That's where I swoop in like your style fairy-godmother, ready to inject FUN back into your wardrobe!

They can’t find what they’re looking for in there, so they keep adding to the chaos.  This means purchasing more “wardrobe orphans” instead of building a cohesive closet, filled with wearable mix and match options.

My mission is to maximize the potential in your wardrobe and make getting dressed the easiest part of your day.

Spending two hours with me in your wardrobe is all it takes! Plus we have some giggles along the way! If it sounds like fun, that’s because it is.

I’m ready when you are.

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews

This is the best thing I have done and wonder why I took so long to go ahead with it. Emma edited my wardrobe and helped me see what clothes weren’t working for me. We made up lots of different looks and she helped me see that old styling habits can change. I love how I feel when I put the outfits on she put together. Can’t wait to go shopping with Emma to fill the gaps in my wardrobe. Definitely recommend this service!

Loved it!

I had booked a two hour session with EJ to go through my wardrobe and we ended up extending for another two hours because, well, there was a lot! I'm a bit of a magpie with colour so that wasn't the problem but my lack of what to put with what certainly was! Anyway - 4 hours later I had over 40 new outfits to wear and hadn't even been shopping. I've purchased snazzy new velvet hangers, I can see all my clothes, I have a basic band on the way so my waist shows and I just to have to buy a suit and some merino - EASY! Don't put it off like I did - it's in your head and the stars will never align so JUST DO IT. Thanks EJ for a fabulously fun and fruitful session - I am sure I will be seeing you again at some stage. Cheers

Second edit ! Worth it! Wish I had done it sooner.

Where to start! This is the second time I've used Emma. The first was 6-7 years ago, recovering from a broken heart, had lost weight and was trying to figure out who the heck I was. Long story short, if you're not sure - DO IT. BOOK A SESSION.

Fast forward and I have an almost two year old and GUESS WHAT? I'm 42 now and post partum, my body is different. I am stronger and fitter than ever and I am SO PROUD of the progress I have made. AND ... I was beating myself up about the fact I'm carrying 5 extra kgs. I had told myself that if I fitted into this or that garment (garments represented a time where I felt I looked really good ) then I've done well. And when I didn't, I berated myself so much.

I had put off booking a session with Emma until I lost some weight. And then I though - F$%& it - and booked it because I was sick of being in this cycle of negative thinking about a few zips. I was SO ready to throw some stuff out.

We let the healing begin :-) Some stuff left the wardrobe. Some pieces I took to a dressmaker and had the waistlines EXPANDED. And man I LOVE wearing those pieces again. I got a good steer on some additions. And I really like my wardrobe and I feel great wearing what's in there.

My top tip is to make sure you give yourself some free time afterwards to process, think, google a few of the suggestions and just process it. It's a lot but in a wonderful, empowering way. Thank you EJ for the energy and joy you exude and you bring to these sessions.

Victoria B.
Another great session with EJ

This was my second session with EJ. The first was so good I went back for more!

Our first session got me started with some great outfits and ways of thinking about my wardrobe. This second session built on what we did the first time and helped get me back on track when I felt I’d lost my way. EJ is amazing at not only putting combinations together but also helping me finish off an outfit in ways that I could never think of.

I’ve had the confidence to throw out some items I thought weren’t right but wasn’t sure about, and confidence to wear things in new ways. EJ really read me and my wardrobe, she could quickly get her head around my taste and what I was aiming for even when I’d missed the mark with a few purchases.

Last week in the office a colleague who wears amazing suits said to my jeans and blazer combo “wow, you look so cool!”. I also often get “I love these colours together I’d never have thought of that”…but it’s all EJs doing!

I highly recommend.

Ali Cromack
Grateful for Emma's insight!

I had a incredible morning with Emma at my home. Our time was jam packed with gems, and almost no item in my existing wardrobe wasn't pulled into a new and dazzling combination I never would have created on my own, with feedback as to why it worked. Emma helped me define and accentuate my body shape, identify a few gaps in my wardrobe while suggesting a couple of great pieces I could get, plus helped cull a few items that no longer suited or brought me joy.

Following the session and Emma's styling notes sent afterwards, I am looking at my wardrobe with a different perspective, where I can see so many possibilities and opportunities. I'll be able to shop with more clarity (and Emma's guidance in my head). I'm so grateful for my session with Emma; her joy, insight and guidance, all delivered with such love and kindness as well.