My top three tips for selling your clothes (and making some money)
Selling your clothes is good for you
I’ve always resented selling old clothes. It was too much hassle or they wouldn’t sell for what they were worth, or I just couldn’t be bothered. But Instagram changed all that for me and I set up my own selling page, opening up a sale from time to time to clear old stock (I mean my wardrobe). But how did it turn into an activity I liked? I thought I’d share my top tips on why selling your clothes is a great thing.
My top tips on how to do it right
- Do it in batches. Overhaul your wardrobe, clear out your closet, give your self a wardrobe edit, whatever you call it – whenever you do it, put you clothes into three piles -1) keep/repair 2) donate and 3) sell. Then once you have a decent amount to gather up (three pieces minimum) then put them up for sale on whatever platform you choose.
- Sell your good stuff and make room for the new. Don’t be afraid to do a closet clear out of the pieces you like. Consider yourself clever if you sell something that will sell well (buying good quality can usually guarantee it). I recently sold a few pieces that I still liked wearing but not a lot. Some people questioned me selling several of the pieces, but I was happy too. They no longer served me and getting them out of my closet and into someone else’s, makes me so happy. They get a second life and then there’s room for different pieces for me!
- Keep your expectations low and be pleasantly surprised. I tend to price items for about a third of what I brought them for. Be ruthless with yourself and don’t expect too much. Then be pleasantly surprised when they all sell :-).

Where do I sell them then?
Here’s three easy options
- Trade Me (most of us have a Trade Me account right?) – but you have to deal with the fees that they charge.
- Set up your own Instagram account for selling clothes, share it with your networks, set the rules in the bio and get selling. Use Instagram stories to hype it up a bit. Check out my selling page here.
- Finally if you’re in the mood for a bit of hands on selling, bargain hunters and immediate gratification, then check out local car-boot sales. My local one is in Grey Lynn, I have yet to do it, but have a heap of friends that have and swear by it.
But if you don’t wanna sell, then DONATE!
But I know that not everything is great for sale – the pieces you know are still in great condition and have life in them but you won’t make money from them, well the perfect place for those items are recycling pop up stores. My friend Anna runs Everlasting – for the love of recycling your clothes and I donate my own and my clients (with their approval) clothes following a wardrobe edit. In this era of fast fashion, it is so important to think of the impact of where the clothes go that get discarded and I love what Anna has created with her not-for-profit business. Check it out and donate your old clothes, I know Anna and the team will be so happy.
Instead of finding it a chore now, I love that idea of having some mini sales over on Insta. I may even enjoy it. Making some extra cash is a lovely bonus, but clearing the wardrobe out is the bigger incentive. It really does provide a great cleansing feeling and you feel a little less shackled by stuff.
Have you got any tips for #sellingclothes that you’d like to share, I’d love to hear them.
The Mother of the Sisterhood of Style x
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