Get Your Groove On in Midlife: 5 Ways to Power Up and Shine Bright like a Diamond

5 Ways to Power Up and Shine Bright like a Diamond
Hey there, fabulous you. Are you ready to unleash your inner superstar and rock your radiance in midlife? Your midlife stylist (that’s me, is about to turn 50 and we’re celebrating this milestone across the month with a Festival of 50 because why the fuck not?). Turning 50 isn't just a milestone—it's a declaration of strength, resilience, and the unbridled power of halle-bloody-lujah we got here! Whether you're a recent breast cancer thriver, a sober curious little monkey, or simply a lover of life seeking connection and joy, get ready to embrace your power and shine bright like the diamond you are. Here’s some ideas to bring joy, connection, wisdom and maybe a smidge of woo-woo to spice up your midlife! In the words of Shania, let’s go girls…..
- Ignite Your Inner Fire with Intention
One thing I’d like to invest more time in this coming decade is Intention. I haven’t set enough time aside yet to practise intention purposefully. So perhaps by stating it outloud here and now, I shall do it. Midlife is our time to shine, baby! Starting each day with intention sets the stage for epic adventures purpose & pizzazz. I have dabbled in embracing manifestation before and the power of positive affirmations and gratitude practices and they bloody work. So setting aside time for intention setting seems like a solid plan girls! Are you leaning into your woo-woo yet?
- Rise Like a Phoenix: Embrace Your Journey of Resilience
It’s highly likely if you’ve reached midlife and 50, that you've likely faced challenges head-on, conquered some mountains and emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before. Embrace your inner phoenix and keep rising. The lessons I am learning on the road back from Cancer is that it is not linear and the lessons are long and keep coming. So rather than thinking they are over, I keep the door open and remain curious to what they can teach me. If you’re in the same boat, rising back from your own battles, keep going with grace, courage, and unwavering determination. Your wings were made to soar, so spread them wide and fly, baby, fly!
- Rock Your Radiance: Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Spirit
Find YOUR bliss. Can I tell you a secret? I didn’t ever really like exercise (bar walking) for a very long time. I just never found something I liked. I thought there was something wrong with me. All my friends and family seemed to find it enjoyable, but it just never gelled with me. Then I discovered strength training and it all clicked into place for me and I found what I enjoyed. Then I discovered I really enjoyed working out at home and we set up a home gym. It’s all about finding what works best for you and what will actually get you moving. Having a dog also ensures we walk. Wellness isn't just about green smoothies and yoga pants—it's about nourishing your body, mind, and spirit with love, laughter, and a whole lot puzzle pieces that make up a collection of things that make you feel spectacular. Once you crack the code to what works for you, treat yourself to things that leave you feeling invincible, that fuel your body with love, and leave you glowing from the inside out. Rock your radiance and shine bright like the rockstar you are. The trick I have learnt is that consistency is key.
- Dance Like Nobody's Watching: Embrace the Joy of a good boogie
Hands up who used to put on concerts for their family when they visited? Say it wasn’t just me? And who watched the Beckham doco and wanted a slice of the Islands in the Stream action? So who says you need a dance floor to bust a move? Turn up the volume, crank up your favourite tunes, and dance like nobody's watching in your kitchen! Let go of your inhibitions and shake that booty. My personal fave of the moment is Beyonce’s new Album Cowboy Carter - especially Texas Hold Em, I defy you NOT to dance to that one!
- Spread Your Light: Share what you know, build others up.
You are a beacon of light in a world that sometimes feels dark and uncertain. Your unique gifts, talents, and experiences have the power to inspire, uplift, and empower others on their journey. Share your story with your community, spread kindness like confetti, and shine your light bright for all to see. I’m not suggesting you have to go start an Instagram account, but I can highly recommend sharing your experiences of midlife, menopause, perhaps your own Cancer journey, divorce or whatever your story is. You never know what the power of sharing your story might have on others. Your experience and the way you got through could help someone else going through it immensely, and women, especially women, have been in the dark for so long about our midlife stories, so don’t miss the chance the share with others about what you’ve been through. But if that’s not your jam, write it all down, get it all out regardless. Don’t hold it in. Shake it out and let it go. You want to rock this stage and embrace this age and stage without hangups and holdups.
And look, if all of that doesn't spark a little flame, a little hip movement, a little spark of a smile, then I suggest chocolate, a duvet and a movie, girltime and a bloody good belly laugh! That should help a lot :-)
Love EJ,
Your Midlife Stylist x
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